Heartwarming Activism *local & global*
This term “heartwarming activism” came to mind a few years ago:
derived from “global warming”, global warming and climate change, for which I would like to support not only externally new conditions, but also internally new conditions.
Since the heart beats for everything that is true and natural, and love can be the greatest force for change that leads to a good way of living and being together, I have chosen this expression for it: heartwarming activism.
An activism that warms our hearts and therefore inner and outer worlds in a healthy, natural and loving way.
Local & Global Heartwarming Activism:
What this means is that I support both local and global projects that are ours
- Environment, recycling of all kinds, plastic removal from the sea, etc., preservation of plants, herbs, animals
- Social projects, peace projects, art projects
- Feminism + Mental Health
- New energy
- & sustainable projects in every form
support: Local and Global.
As a first step, I will continue to include news about this in my blog and let's see what concrete results come from it.
I'm open to ideas about this, or collaborations, etc.
A very touching example with an incredible impact from a person should give us courage:
The Angel of Tasmania - with an art campaign, Allana Beltran became an icon of resistance against the destruction of the jungle
“The protest was magical, as was the effect. On March 29, 2007, artist Allana Beltran blocked a road in southern Tasmania for several hours - dressed as an angel and sitting on a three-legged wooden frame. The road leads to a river valley with huge eucalyptus trees: “Stop deforestation in the Weld Valley,” read one banner. The inhabitants of the island in southern Australia fight bitterly for their unique natural heritage. A powerful lumber and pulp industry insists on felling giant trees, burning biodiverse forests and converting them into dreary timber plantations. But a creative, growing environmental movement is fighting to protect the last virgin forests. The photo of the gentle blockade made the then 22-year-old Beltran known throughout Australia as the “Weld Angel”. When the police fined her 1,200 euros in compensation for the costs of evacuation from her “Tripod” with the help of a crane truck, a storm of indignation broke out. The lawsuit against the guardian angel of Tasmania's forests has now been dropped.” Greenpeace Magazine